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healing the whole


Licensure & Certifications

  • Registered Dietitian (MS, RDN)

  • Masters Degree in Nutrition, Health, & Longevity (USC)

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Personal Trainer 

  • USA Track & Field (USATF) Level 1 Coach

  • Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Coach

  • Kettlebell Athletics Level I

Currently Studying..

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Clinical Herbalism

Behind everything I do, the intention is simple: bringing you back to your body. 

As a Registered Dietitian, I take a holistic and whole body approach to health. By looking at the body as a whole and a person in their entirety, I aim to get to the root cause of any health challenges - working with you to heal the body, not just treat symptoms. 

That being said, working with the human body means I am a forever student, and my approach encompasses ongoing education in the body systems, eastern medicine, and herbalism.


Most of my schooling was based largely off of the physical - biology, chemistry, anatomy, etc.; and while understanding the biochemistry of the body is crucial, the other half is understanding the energetics of the body. Understanding the role emotions and energy play in our cells, our organ systems, our tissues, etc. - making the connection between energetics and illness.

My interest in nutrition started in high school after joining the cross country and track team, and has only deepened since then. Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve strongly believed the body has the innate ability to heal itself should we give it what it needs to do so. I like to say I’ve lived 10 lives in this one lifetime, as I played many different roles, working in marketing, insurance, as a personal trainer, and more until I finally settled into my passion.

My personal journey with my body has been a bit of a ride, but ultimately a blessing, as it led me to where I am today. At the age of 14 I fell into an eating disorder that I dealt with for a large portion of my life. Overcoming that and all of the intricacies that come along with it was easily the hardest thing I have ever done. I fought every single day, and continued losing every single day, until I realized I was going about it all wrong. Once I changed my approach I finally found healing, and it’s the same approach I now use with my eating disorder clients today. It’s a path that led me deeper into self-love and self-discovery, and I’m grateful for that.


Most recently I have been working intimately with gut health due to a case of leaky gut that suddenly came about over a year ago. It was very humbling, as all of the traditional approaches I was taught during my schooling proved inadequate. I began digging deeper into the body so I could understand what was going on in my own, and was able to place myself on a protocol for healing. After going through that experience, I am incredibly passionate about gut health and place a large focus on it with everyone I speak to.

All that being said, if I’ve learned anything, it’s that the body is brilliant and it will humble you. Understanding your body is a bit of a lifelong mission and can be a frustrating journey at times (take it from me), but it’s why I’m so passionate about guiding others in doing the same. My life's work is dedicated to understanding the body’s intricacies, guiding other's on their path to healing, and forming a deeper relationship with my own as I go along.


I work with both children and adults in multiple areas, including eating disorders, mental health, gut health (leaky gut, IBS, etc.), thyroid health, PCOS, chronic conditions (diabetes, GERD, cholesterol, etc.), weight management, & overall health. Beyond my private practice, I have worked at a mental health outpatient clinic as well as a treatment center for substance use, providing both individualized care and teaching groups. My goal is to continue to expand my knowledge in all realms so I can better guide my clients to their ultimate health.

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